Music and the brain – Synesthesia

This little snippet of music is from our Becoming Me CD, released this year.
“Spots and splashes stars and stripes”

I got asked last year to write some music for children who see music as I do in colours, Synesthesia. As the request was given children would be in a quiet space where they could take time out from the main group and with this music in the background could draw or paint unhindered to the music.

It’s worth trying out to see how your children respond!!!

Spots and Splashes, Star and Stripes

So I looked around for a quote that would fit what I see and used this one from ‘Psychology Today web site.’

“Some synesthetes perceive texture in response to sight, hear sounds in response to smells, or associate shapes with flavors. Many synesthetes have more than one type of synesthesia. It is estimated that approximately 3 to 5 percent of the population has some form of synesthesia, and the condition can run in families.”

Mildura April 2018- A big thanks

Thanks to all the staff for the wonderful shows in your centres.

It was a very busy time for us even though we were a week to early for NSW, we’ll make sure we’re within the time frame next year.

To all the new centres thanks a million and to all the wonderful staff & teachers.

We look forward to coming up into your area each year and working with the children. It’s the quality of services in Mildura that keeps us smiling and wanting more and more.

Green Grows the Garden is such a popular show and I’m sure you’ll agree that Mr Brown Magnificent Apple Tree and Molly’s storytelling are the clinchers in the show. We love how the children mould that story and how you get a giraffe in bed with T-rex a dog and a tiger is only in the imagination of a child. Such brilliant outcomes and especially at bedtime. Ha Ha.

Just once again if you have any photos or videos you’d like to share, let me know and I’ll pop them onto this web site.

Lots of love & good fortune to you all,

Jack & Molly.


PS I think we'll be offering a music and storytelling workshop for next year. Also we'll have with us some of our products for sale from the web site.